Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 2

Alright, well I'm a little sore after day 2, but I decided to try to work out at a different time today.  I was so tired all day yesterday after getting up so early, so today I decided to workout after school, I worked out from 4-5pm today.  Before I worked out I walked a mile home to start.  Then I started my workout with a 5 minute warm up on the eliptical, followed by 30 minutes at higher speed after some stretching, then a 10 minute cool down on the treadmill, some side bends and some squats to round it out.  I burned approximately 430 calories in my workout today.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow. 

The only problem with my current workout plan is that I haven't set any goals yet or taken any type of "before" measures...Hmmm, something to think about.

Additionally today I downloaded an app called Edibles to my iPhone, so I can keep a food and exercise journal.  It's also nice because it keeps a calorie count, which I've never done before.  Here are my diet goals:
1. Eat 5 fruits and/or vegetables a day
2. 1800 calories a day

So, I met my two diet goals today...
Caloric intake 1488

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